Friday, March 13, 2009

"My Husband Rocks" Friday

As we continue to wait for my FIL to be released and visit the hospital, my dear hubby has been busy on the chicken coop and starting our Spring jobs. Never dull around the Queen home and he hangs in there with all the (my) madness. Thanks honey!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!


Linda said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Isn't it great to have a rockin' hubby? They come in very handy.

You're my kinda girl ... homeschooling and country living. Although my country living is still in my dreams, but hopefully I'll get back there someday. I love raising chickens and feeding my family from the garden. I'll be sure and stop back by and check on your progress. What kind of chickens are you getting?

Lisa said...

Thanks for you comment! We are getting Barred Rocks.