Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Nielson Family

On Saturday, August 16, 2008, Stephanie Nielson was in a plane crash with her husband, Christian Nielson, and his flight instructor, Doug Kinneard, near St. Johns, Arizona. Doug Kinneard passed away soon after arriving at the Maricopa County Hospital.
Christian & Stephanie remain in critical condition at Maricopa Burn Center. Christian has sustained burns on over 30% of his body. His wife Stephanie’s body was burned over 80%.

Stephanie is a sister blogger with 4 beautiful children. Her blog is called Nie Nie Dialogues. Friends and family have set up various opportunities to donate to their recovery.

Cards can be sent to:
c/o Christian and Stephanie Nielson

Maricopa County Hospital
2601 East Roosevelt St
Phoenix, AR 85008

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