Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Wonderfully Good Day


In case you haven't noticed, I haven't mentioned church in 3 weeks. Our pastor has been on sabbatical and this was his first Sunday back. It has been difficult for our family after only being in the church for 2 months and being in need of sound teaching, but we survived and today was a blessing.

The sermon was about the necessity of Christ's suffering and how the disciples didn't believe that He had risen when Mary Magdalene told them. It is amazing that the very men who walked and talked with him did not believe that He had conquered death. It wasn't until Jesus appeared to them that they understood.

We didn't eat lunch at church today so I had prepared a ham for us. We had sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes (for those not inclined to the sweet potato), green beans and rolls. Hannah made a blueberry pie for dessert.

After lunch we decided to ride into the National Forest. It was beautiful, of course. God provided us such beauty to enjoy.

What a blessed Easter!!!


Dana said...

Hi, Lisa. I know you are glad to have your Pastor back to get some good spiritual food. And speaking of food - what an awesome dinner you guys had tonight, right down to the dessert. Yum-Yum.

Yes - it is amazing how even those closest to Jesus still stand in awe of what he can do. David said it best in when talking of all God's knowledge "Such knowledge is too lofty for me to attain." (Psalm 139:6) Both His knowledge and His Power can be beyond our comprehension. He is just too wonderful for the human mind.

Anonymous said...

I guess it sorta gives new meaning to the expression of not being able to see the forest for the trees. I guess they were just too close to Him to see Him for what He really was.