Monday, April 20, 2009

How Then Should We Pray?

iceland poppy

How should we pray when we suffer?

  • Honestly and with humility.
  • Boldly and with confidence in his blessing.
  • Desperately, with our eyes not on our escape, but upon our Lord.
  • Hopefully, by directing our hope to the grace that comes through a cross, not a courtroom.
  • Repentantly, as we let go of sinful demands for vindication and cling to his provision in self-sacrificing propitiation.
  • Pietistically, wanting more than anything a deeper communion with Him.
  • Lovingly, seeking to obtain that mercy for our suffering in order to turn it into grace for our attackers.
  • Thankfully, for his perfect design and provision in our suffering to bring us the greatest good.
  • Worshipfully, acknowledging that Christ alone is sufficient for our failures and our sufferings.

from The Resurgence blog

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