Monday, May 9, 2011


i feel like traveling on

WE have Been Traveling ON!

We have been busy around the Queen household, so I just haven't taken time to blog.

Hayden is busy with scouts and working toward his Eagle! He will begin 9th grade this coming year and things will get tougher for him on the college prep track. Lots of reading, a foreign language and more writing. He is SO excited. He also keeps us laughing.

Sarah is, well, Sarah. She stays on track, does her work and chores without us asking; what a blessing she is. She is funny, smart and beautiful. Eventually she is going to charge Hannah for her modeling services!!

Hannah continues to impress us with her talent. She is speaking at the BlogHer Food conference this month in Atlanta, in August she goes to Pennsylvania for a get together paid for by a company that she loves and loves her and she is developing a line of greeting cards with her photography on them. She is also applying for an internship with a photographer she admires and continues to work toward opening her portrait business.

My sweet husband is buried under work. The Lord continues to bless us with an abundance of work and we may need to add another employee. Balancing work, family and scouts keeps him busy.

I have begun a new eating plan and have lost around 40 lbs! It works for me and it is easy, so long term is not going to be a problem. We are also working to be more active with family Frisbee nights! It is fun and a great form of exercise. Cutting out sugar as been amazing; I feel 100% better, my arthritis doesn't hurt as much and my energy doesn't go up and down all day, it is constant. I am also toying with the idea of starting my Masters degree again; we'll see what happens.

Our farmers market starts in June, so we need to gear up for that. We need to make labels, decide what breads we want to bake and make sure everything is ready to go.

The hot weather is here, so it is time to make time to head to the creek and enjoy the cool water. Get out and get moving!!

“Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield. 21 For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name” (Psalms 33:20-21)

1 comment:

chickory said...

you truly are blessed! really excited for Hannah. she is an amazing young woman - cant wait to see what happens with the card line. Im sure they will be a big hit. congrats again on the great diet and frisbee program.