Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Today's Post Brought to You By the Number 5

That is because I got a new skirt in the mail today and it is 5 sizes smaller!!!!!!
This is the first skirt I have purchased since beginning my weight loss. I, like most women, had various sizes in my closet including some that hadn't fit in a long time. So, I have had clothes to wear. But, I needed a new denim skirt desperately as my old ones were cinched up as far as they would go. 

I really thought I had been too ambitious with the size; I figured I would be sending it back to exchange it for a size up or so. BUT, NO!!! It fits, in fact, I could probably go another size down!! 

Psalms 71:14
But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more.


Holly from 300 Pounds Down said...

This is so awesome!! Congratulations!! That is purely amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Holly!
